More classes in our new studio location…
We reopened on April 1, 2023 in our new studio location 118 W Jefferson Ave. in Downtown Kirkwood. (next door to Amigo’s)
MONDAY Mornings:
Rise ‘n Shine
WITH Maggie Sind
MonDays 6:00-7:00 am
This is an energizing practice to start your week. The focus will be waking up the whole body…
Easy parking in front and you’re in & out in no time.
Go with the Flow
WITH Rhonda Choflet
MonDays 9:00-10:00 am
“Go with the Flow" is generally a slowly paced class to ease you into the week. Some experience with vinyasa yoga is recommended.
Vin-Yin Yoga
With Rhonda Choflet
Mondays 5:30-6:30 pm
“Vin-Yin” is a one hour class which pairs two different asana styles to create an integrated balanced practice.
The Yin style of passive poses, held from one to three minutes, will be interspersed within the more dynamic Yang style of vinyasa. This practice will allow you additional space to turn inward and tune into both your mind and the physical sensations of your body.
Vin-Yin is open to all levels.
Open Levels
WITH Paula Haltenhof
TuesDays 9:00-10:00 am
A gentle class with options to develop and challenge your practice. This class is a combination of breath work, seated, standing, and balance poses. Some experience with yoga is preferred.
with Liz Roodman
Wednesdays 7:00 - 7:50 am
Need a mid-week reset? Let's reset our week with Warrior Poses and the strength that they bring. Begin your day with an energizing flow. All levels are welcome.
Let it Go
With Stephanie Stewart
Wednesdays 5:45-6:45 pm
This class will combine the steadiness and grounding of Hatha yoga, gentle Vinyasa to move the energy around and will end with deep rest in savasana. Perfect for a mindful mid-week reset! All levels welcome.
Feel Good Flow
with Lynn Jacobs
Thursdays 9:00 - 10:00 AM
Feel good flow!! Let's feel good and practice some yoga! This class is easy going, for the most part. Please join Lynn in-person, she has missed you!!
Early Morning Yoga
WITH Madonna Limberg
FriDAYS 6:00-7:00 AM
Early Morning Yoga is a combination of breathwork, stretching, standing poses and balance. Expect an awesome start to your day!
Not Your Daughter’s Yoga
WITH Liz Roodman
FriDAYS 9:00-10:00 AM
This class is gentle and appropriate for all levels. Modifications to poses will be offered.
Morning Flow
Rotating Teachers: Paula, Liz, Rhonda
Saturday Morning Flow will be an invigorating vinyasa class and the perfect start to your weekend. (Experience with vinyasa preferred).
Gentle & Take 2
SUNDAYS 9:00-10:00 Am & 10:15-11:15 AM
There are 2 classes. Gentle at 9:00 am and Take 2 at 10;15 am allowing more people to enjoy Madonna’s class on Sunday Morning.
This class is typically a combination of breath work, stretching, standing poses and balance. A fabulous way to draw balance into mind & body. Perfect for the beginning yoga student or someone who wants to explore a more meditative practice.
Sunday late afternoon:
Rest & Restore
With Stephanie Stewart
Sundays 4:00-5:00 pm
A restorative practice for your body, heart and mind. This class will include very gentle movement, deep relaxation, and meditaton. Perfect for those who are looking to relax, deepen their meditation practice, explore yoga nidra, and generally de-stress!